The department of "Economics and management" was established as the department of "Mathematics and economics" by the order of the rector dated 09.09.2013 No. K076-12/51. Due to changes in its structure, it was named the "Economics and Mathematics" department from the 2014/2015 academic year. Based on the decision of the Academic Council of Baku Eurasian University dated 24.09.2021 (protocol No. EŞ01-08/21) of the rector dated 27.09.2021, in order to optimize the management of the department due to the increase in the volume of the annual teaching load from the 2021/2022 academic year According to order No. K135-01/21, all specialized subjects related to mathematical, natural, technical subjects and computer, information technologies were removed from the department and transferred to the newly created "Mathematics and ICT" department on this basis. In connection with the structural change, the name of the department was changed from that date to "Economics and management" department. It is part of the "Regional studies and economics" faculty.
Kafedra Bakı Avrasiya Universitetinin əsas tədris-elmi struktur vahidi olmaqla tədris, tədris-metodiki, təşkilati-metodiki, elmi-tədqiqat fəaliyyətini həyata keçirir, “Regionşünaslıq və iqtisadiyyat” fakültəsinin “İqtisadiyyat”, “Maliyyə”, “Mühasibat”, “Dövlət və bələdiyyə idarəetməsi”, ”Biznesin idarə edilməsi”, “Turizm işinin təşkili”,”Marketinq”, “Kommersiya” ixtisasları üzrə buraxılış kafedrasıdır.
The department bases its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education", other legislative acts, normative legal acts determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Education, the University Charter, the decision of the University Scientific Council, and the rector's orders.
Continuation of the article
Kafedra aşağıdakı vəzifələri həyata keçirir:
- conducting lectures, laboratory works, practical seminars and other classes provided for in the curricula for all forms of education at a high scientific-theoretical and methodical level;
- leading coursework and graduation work (projects), production and other experiences, students' free lessons;
- conducting current exams;
- organization and holding of state exams;
- organization of educational work among students;
- development of educational programs for the subjects taught in the department and submission for approval accordingly, as well as giving feedback on educational programs prepared by other departments;
- preparation of textbooks, teaching aids, methodical guidance and instructions and visual aids, providing feedback on textbooks, teaching aids and teaching-methodical literature under the direction of the rector (faculty);
- conducting scientific research works, guiding students in scientific research works;
- discussion of completed scientific research works, giving feedback for their application to production and publication;
- preparation and implementation of individual plans of teaching, scientific-methodical and other work of department employees;
- studying and disseminating the advanced work experience of individual departments and teaching staff of universities of the republic and foreign countries, helping young teachers to gain pedagogical experience;
- preparation and implementation of measures for the use of modern technical means in the educational process;
- training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel;
- dissertations of other candidates are discussed and given opinions based on the instructions of the department staff and also the rector's office (faculty);
- organization of relations with various enterprises and organizations for the purpose of studying advanced practice in educational technologies and providing them with scientific and technical assistance;
- helping to increase the qualifications of specialists working in various fields;
- organization of constant contact with graduates of the higher education institution;
- propagation of scientific knowledge.
Teaching of subjects at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels of higher education is carried out by the professor-teacher staff of the department.
The department carries out the training of highly qualified scientific-pedagogical staff through doctoral studies and dissertations in the field of "Economic Sciences" in the doctoral program of the Doctor of Philosophy program. Under the guidance of the scientific potential of the department in the relevant field of science, scientific researches are carried out by doctoral students and dissertation students on the most modern and actual problems of economic science, the dissertation topics determined for receiving the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy are included in the plan of the scientific research work of the department by covering fundamental and applied scientific research. .
In the department, work is also being done in the direction of conducting scientific-research works on the problems of economic sciences, preparing textbooks, programs and various teaching aids. At the same time, organization of scientific seminars and discussions, symposiums and conferences, involvement of students in research work are the main directions.
The professors and teachers of the department are regularly represented at international and national level symposiums and conferences.
Important works are being done in the direction of international relations. The teaching and student staff effectively use international cooperation programs concluded by the university with various foreign higher education institutions.
The department is headed by Aslanova Ilhame Eybulla gizi, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics.