Information technologies

Information technologies

Graduates of the specialty "Information Technology" work in the field of information processes, information resources, information systems, databases of scientific and technical information, knowledge base, information products and services of modern information technologies, in relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations, companies and can work in offices.

Training schedule of the specialty

Subject code
Name of subject
The number of credits
I course
Autumn semester
End941 Business and academic communication in a foreign language 1 5
Tar170 History of Azerbaijan 5
Ceb241 Linear algebra and analytic geometry 3
Ria190 Mathematical analysis 7
Com621 Basics of information technology 1 4
Mmt020 Civil Defense 3
Law050 Constitution of AR and bases of law 3
Summer semester
End942 Business and academic communication in a foreign language 2 5
Fiz100 Physics 5
Com622 Fundamentals of Information Technology 2 4
Dft050 Differential equations 3
Com360 Basics of programming 6
Azd019 Business and academic communication in the Azerbaijani language 4
Riy640 Information Management 3
II course
Autumn semester
End943 Business and academic communication in a foreign language 3 5
Sts071 Probability theory and mathematical statistics 3
Riy060 Discrete mathematics 3
Com090 Operating Systems 6
Com332 Information Security 6
Riy790 Database systems 7
Summer semester
Com370 Modern programming languages 6
Com671 Computer Networks 4
Com331 Human-computer interface 7
Com351 Multimedia Technologies 6
Riy789 Data structure and algorithms 7
III course
Autumn semester
Riy540 Artificial Intelligence 6
Com672 Computer Networks 2 4
Com371 Computer Architecture 1 4
Riy541 Web systems and technologies 7
Com360 IT project management 5
Com410 Technical Informatics 4
Summer semester
Com091 Information Systems 5
Com290 Theory of Algorithms 5
Com372 Computer Architecture 2 4
Riy510 Optimization Methods 5
Com337 Digital Systems 5
Riy343 Computational experiments 6
VI course
Autumn semester
Riy500 Coding Theory 6
Com338 System Engineering 6
Com350 Legal aspects of information technology 6
Com360 System analysis and computer modeling 6
Com370 Computer analysis of computer science and environmental processes 6
Summer semester
Tec040 Career Planning 5
Tec050 Soft skills 9
Tec060 Hard skills 10
Tec070 Production Experience / Project 6